BELONG is designed to help you take your next step as a believer or someone new to Lifepoint Church. We want to help you discover your purpose, recognize your talents, pinpoint your interests, find out where to serve, hear more about the story and vision of Lifepoint Church, and connect you to new friends.

We can't wait to celebrate your next step and help you BELONG!

Belong classes are held on the Sunday after the Knowing Jesus Class, immediately following service, with lunch provided.


DNA is exactly that, it's who we are. Find out about our vision, mission, core values, commitments and more.


Come DISCOVER your unique gifts and find the perfect place to connect your gifts to the mission so you are fulfilled.


After discovering all about your unique gifts, we want to introduce you to the different teams and serve opportunities. We encourage you to become a part of the DREAM TEAM!


It's BELONG time! This is where we will DARE you to be a part of something bigger than yourself. We will give you the opportunity to BELONG to Lifepoint Church.